Thursday, January 08, 2009


Countries in Africa implemented more reforms than in any year since the start of Doing Business: 28 economies implemented 58 reforms. Two West African countries led the way, Senegal and Burkina Faso, joined by Botswana. Since 2005, the pace of reform has continuously increased in the region with a 70% increase in the number of countries reforming between 2005 and 2008. This year, Africa has seen the second highest number of reform, behind Europe and Central Asia. Out of the 58 reforms carried out this year, two-thirds took place in 10 countries primarily in West and Southern Africa.As in previous years, most African reformers focused on easing start-up and reducing the cost of importing and exporting. Simplifying the process of registering property and obtaining
construction permits were also high on the agenda of reformers in the continent. Read about reforms in 2006-07 visit

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