Doing nothing is expensive than doing something.It will cost a lot to fix climate damages that could have been avoided.Experts and action groups have been demanding systematic climate protection for decades.But,business leaders and politicians argued time and again that such action would e too expensive,and that things would not turn out as bad as pessimists believe.
Nonsense.Today the impact of climate change is to felt in cyclones,floods,droughts as well as in the erosion of fertile soil and coastal landforms.
Since 1992,International climate diplomacy has revolved around reducing greenhouse emissions.At the bali summit last year,however,this`mitigation'agenda was joined by one on`adaptation' to now inevitable climate change.This is the bill for not having done enough on mitigation.Developing countries will need $10-$80 billion a year to avoid distress and disaster.......
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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Ndivyo unavyoweza kufupisha kitendo cha baadhi ya wabunge na wananchi wa mkoani Mtwara kujitokeza hadharani na kumtetea rais wa serikali ya awamu ya tatu, Benjamin William Mkapa.
Wakati shinikizao la kutaka Mkapa aondolewe kinga na kufikishwa mahakamani kujibu tuhuma za makosa anayodaiwa kufanya akiwa Ikulu, wabunge na wananchi wa mkoani Mtwara na wananchi kuibuka na kumtetea.
Tayari mbunge wa Karatu, Dk. Wilbroad Slaa ameahidi kuwasilisha hoja ya kutaka Mkapa, aliyeongoza nchi kwa vipindi viwili (1995-2005), apandishwe kizimbani kujibu tuhuma za kufanya makosa wakati akiwa Ikulu, huku kiongozi wa upinzani Bungeni, Hamad Rashid, akiahidi kuwasilisha hoja ya kutaka kiongozi huyo aondolewe kinga ili aweze kupandishwe kizimbani.
Miongoni mwa tuhuma za Mkapa, ambaye anasifika kwa kuinua uchumi baada ya kuukuta kwenye hali mbaya, ni kujiuzia mgodi wa makaa ya mawe wa Kiwira mkoani Mbeya kwa bei nafuu akitumia kampuni ya Tan Power Resources anayoimulika pamoja na waziri wa zamani wa nishati na madini, Daniel Yona wakati akiwa rais.
Lakini wabunge hao na wananchi wa Mtwara wanaona kuwa tuhuma hizo dhidi ya Mkapa, ambaye alikuwa mbunge wa Nanyumbu wilayani Masasi kabla ya kuchaguliwa kuwa rais, hazitoshi kumuondolea mazuri yote aliyofanya wakati akiwa rais, kwa kuamua kumpandisha kizimbani kiongozi huyo aliyedumu miaka yote kumi ya urais wake akitumia sera ya "Uwazi na Ukweli".
"Huo ni upuuzi na nitaupinga kokote," alisema mbunge wa jimbo la Masasi, Raynald Mrope. "Siasa za sasa ni za kuchafuana... watu wanafikiri wakimchafua wenzao ndio wao watapata umaarufu.
"Jamani Mkapa amelitumikia taifa hili na kuliacha katika hali nzuri. Hata huyo Dk. Slaa tukisema tuchunguze upadre wake tutakuta makosa; binadamu hakosi kasoro ila muhimu tusiangalie alipoteleza tu, pale alipoweza mbona hatupasemi?"
Mbunge wa jimbo la Mtwara, Mohamed Sinani alizungumzia suala hilo kidiplomasia zaidi, lakini akashindwa kuficha msimamo wake kwa Rais Mkapa, ambaye aliteuliwa na CCM kuwania urais baada ya kumshinda Rais Jakaya Kikwete katika marudio ya kura za maoni.
"Sisi Wabunge tupo kwa ajili ya kuifanyia marekebisho katiba, kutunga sera na sheria," alisema Sinani na akaongeza kusema: "(Suala la hoja binafsi) Likiletwa tutalijadili, lakini pamoja na majukumu hayo sidhani kama ni busara kuifanyia marekebisho katiba kila kukicha, hasa pale unapomlenga mtu fulani.”
Mbunge wa Tandahimba, Juma Njwayo aliamua kutoweka bayana msimamo wake na akazungumzia suala hilo kiufundi zaidi, akisema ni mapema mno kulizungumzia na kwamba anasubiri kwanza liwasilishwe kama hoja binafsi Bungeni.
"Ndugu yangu hili suala ni la Kikatiba, tusubiri walete hoja na vielelezo vya ushahidi, tutalijadili kuona uzito wake.Wakati huo ukinipigia (simu) nitakuwa katika nafasi nzuri ya kutoa maoni yangu, kwa sasa ni mapema mono," alisema Njwayo aliyehojiwa kwa njia ya simu.
Baadhi ya wananchi wa mikoa hiyo walihojiwa na Mwananchi walionekana kupinga hoja hiyo, wakitaka Mkapa aangaliwe pia kwa mazuri aliyofanya.
"Mkapa aliichukua nchi ikiwa katika hali ngumu… mfumuko wa bei ulifikia zaidi ya asilimia 10, lakini ameuacha ukiwa katika asilimia 4.5. Si hilo tu amefanya mengi ambayo anastahili kuheshimiwa na kuachwa apumzike. Watanzania wenzangu tusiwe na shukrani za Punda," alisema Ibrahim Mchopa mkazi wa mjini Mtwara.
Alisema kutoka na utendaji aliouita kuwa mahiri wa Mkapa wakati wa uongozi wake, umewafanya Watanzania wengi kumuunga mkono hadi sasa na kwamba kitendo cha kumshitaki ni udhalilishaji ambao unaweza kuleta mgawanyiko katika umoja wa kitaifa uliopo.
"Leo hii tukisema wangapi wanamuunga mkono Mkapa tutawapata wengi kuliko wachache wanavyofikiri. Tunapomfikisha mahakamani kwa tuhuma ambazo msingi wake ni kutafuta umaarufu wa kisiasa, sidhani kama tunalitakia mema taifa hili," alisisitiza Mchopa.
Mkazi mwingine Rashidi Athuman alisema kuondolewa kwa kinga kwa marais waliomaliza muda wao kutasababisha machafuko ya kisiasa na hatimaye kuvunjika kwa amani na utulivu.
"Tunamshangilia Dk. Slaa, lakini kesho tutakuja kujutia. Ni lazima watu wawe na mtazamo wa mbali. Nilifurahi kumsikia Rais Kikwete akisema hatamshitaki Mkapa, bila shaka aliona mbali. Kimsingi siungi mkono si tu kwa sababu Mkapa ni wa kusini bali alivyoliongoza taifa," alisema Athumani akimzungumzia Mkapa ambaye ni mzaliwa wa kijiji cha Lupaso wilayani Masasi.
Mkazi mwingine aliyetoa maoni alisema kwa kuwa sheria ni msumeno na kwamba ni matarajio yake kuwa kuondolewa kwa kinga hiyo haitakuwa kwa Mkapa, bali hata rais wa awamu ya pili, Ali Hassan Mwinyi na kwamba vinginevyo madai hayo yatakuwa yamelenga kumchafua Mkapa kisiasa.
"Nilivyoelewa mimi ni kwamba kinga ikiondolewa ni kwa marais wote waliomaliza muda wao kwa kuwa katiba ni moja. Hivyo kama Mzee Mwinyi naye alitenda kosa wakati wa utawala wake, basi atachukuliwa hatua. Hali kadhalika kwa rais wetu atakapomaliza muda wake, kama alitenda kosa naye atashitakiwa," alisema Mohammed Omari.
Wakati shinikizao la kutaka Mkapa aondolewe kinga na kufikishwa mahakamani kujibu tuhuma za makosa anayodaiwa kufanya akiwa Ikulu, wabunge na wananchi wa mkoani Mtwara na wananchi kuibuka na kumtetea.
Tayari mbunge wa Karatu, Dk. Wilbroad Slaa ameahidi kuwasilisha hoja ya kutaka Mkapa, aliyeongoza nchi kwa vipindi viwili (1995-2005), apandishwe kizimbani kujibu tuhuma za kufanya makosa wakati akiwa Ikulu, huku kiongozi wa upinzani Bungeni, Hamad Rashid, akiahidi kuwasilisha hoja ya kutaka kiongozi huyo aondolewe kinga ili aweze kupandishwe kizimbani.
Miongoni mwa tuhuma za Mkapa, ambaye anasifika kwa kuinua uchumi baada ya kuukuta kwenye hali mbaya, ni kujiuzia mgodi wa makaa ya mawe wa Kiwira mkoani Mbeya kwa bei nafuu akitumia kampuni ya Tan Power Resources anayoimulika pamoja na waziri wa zamani wa nishati na madini, Daniel Yona wakati akiwa rais.
Lakini wabunge hao na wananchi wa Mtwara wanaona kuwa tuhuma hizo dhidi ya Mkapa, ambaye alikuwa mbunge wa Nanyumbu wilayani Masasi kabla ya kuchaguliwa kuwa rais, hazitoshi kumuondolea mazuri yote aliyofanya wakati akiwa rais, kwa kuamua kumpandisha kizimbani kiongozi huyo aliyedumu miaka yote kumi ya urais wake akitumia sera ya "Uwazi na Ukweli".
"Huo ni upuuzi na nitaupinga kokote," alisema mbunge wa jimbo la Masasi, Raynald Mrope. "Siasa za sasa ni za kuchafuana... watu wanafikiri wakimchafua wenzao ndio wao watapata umaarufu.
"Jamani Mkapa amelitumikia taifa hili na kuliacha katika hali nzuri. Hata huyo Dk. Slaa tukisema tuchunguze upadre wake tutakuta makosa; binadamu hakosi kasoro ila muhimu tusiangalie alipoteleza tu, pale alipoweza mbona hatupasemi?"
Mbunge wa jimbo la Mtwara, Mohamed Sinani alizungumzia suala hilo kidiplomasia zaidi, lakini akashindwa kuficha msimamo wake kwa Rais Mkapa, ambaye aliteuliwa na CCM kuwania urais baada ya kumshinda Rais Jakaya Kikwete katika marudio ya kura za maoni.
"Sisi Wabunge tupo kwa ajili ya kuifanyia marekebisho katiba, kutunga sera na sheria," alisema Sinani na akaongeza kusema: "(Suala la hoja binafsi) Likiletwa tutalijadili, lakini pamoja na majukumu hayo sidhani kama ni busara kuifanyia marekebisho katiba kila kukicha, hasa pale unapomlenga mtu fulani.”
Mbunge wa Tandahimba, Juma Njwayo aliamua kutoweka bayana msimamo wake na akazungumzia suala hilo kiufundi zaidi, akisema ni mapema mno kulizungumzia na kwamba anasubiri kwanza liwasilishwe kama hoja binafsi Bungeni.
"Ndugu yangu hili suala ni la Kikatiba, tusubiri walete hoja na vielelezo vya ushahidi, tutalijadili kuona uzito wake.Wakati huo ukinipigia (simu) nitakuwa katika nafasi nzuri ya kutoa maoni yangu, kwa sasa ni mapema mono," alisema Njwayo aliyehojiwa kwa njia ya simu.
Baadhi ya wananchi wa mikoa hiyo walihojiwa na Mwananchi walionekana kupinga hoja hiyo, wakitaka Mkapa aangaliwe pia kwa mazuri aliyofanya.
"Mkapa aliichukua nchi ikiwa katika hali ngumu… mfumuko wa bei ulifikia zaidi ya asilimia 10, lakini ameuacha ukiwa katika asilimia 4.5. Si hilo tu amefanya mengi ambayo anastahili kuheshimiwa na kuachwa apumzike. Watanzania wenzangu tusiwe na shukrani za Punda," alisema Ibrahim Mchopa mkazi wa mjini Mtwara.
Alisema kutoka na utendaji aliouita kuwa mahiri wa Mkapa wakati wa uongozi wake, umewafanya Watanzania wengi kumuunga mkono hadi sasa na kwamba kitendo cha kumshitaki ni udhalilishaji ambao unaweza kuleta mgawanyiko katika umoja wa kitaifa uliopo.
"Leo hii tukisema wangapi wanamuunga mkono Mkapa tutawapata wengi kuliko wachache wanavyofikiri. Tunapomfikisha mahakamani kwa tuhuma ambazo msingi wake ni kutafuta umaarufu wa kisiasa, sidhani kama tunalitakia mema taifa hili," alisisitiza Mchopa.
Mkazi mwingine Rashidi Athuman alisema kuondolewa kwa kinga kwa marais waliomaliza muda wao kutasababisha machafuko ya kisiasa na hatimaye kuvunjika kwa amani na utulivu.
"Tunamshangilia Dk. Slaa, lakini kesho tutakuja kujutia. Ni lazima watu wawe na mtazamo wa mbali. Nilifurahi kumsikia Rais Kikwete akisema hatamshitaki Mkapa, bila shaka aliona mbali. Kimsingi siungi mkono si tu kwa sababu Mkapa ni wa kusini bali alivyoliongoza taifa," alisema Athumani akimzungumzia Mkapa ambaye ni mzaliwa wa kijiji cha Lupaso wilayani Masasi.
Mkazi mwingine aliyetoa maoni alisema kwa kuwa sheria ni msumeno na kwamba ni matarajio yake kuwa kuondolewa kwa kinga hiyo haitakuwa kwa Mkapa, bali hata rais wa awamu ya pili, Ali Hassan Mwinyi na kwamba vinginevyo madai hayo yatakuwa yamelenga kumchafua Mkapa kisiasa.
"Nilivyoelewa mimi ni kwamba kinga ikiondolewa ni kwa marais wote waliomaliza muda wao kwa kuwa katiba ni moja. Hivyo kama Mzee Mwinyi naye alitenda kosa wakati wa utawala wake, basi atachukuliwa hatua. Hali kadhalika kwa rais wetu atakapomaliza muda wake, kama alitenda kosa naye atashitakiwa," alisema Mohammed Omari.
Where I come from in East Africa, we have a saying: "A fool at 40 is a fool forever", and most African countries have now been independent for over 40 years.
Most are blessed with all the elements to help compete on a global stage - abundant natural resources, a young population and the climate and conditions to be a major agricultural force.
And yet today, my continent, which is home to 10% of the world's population, represents just 1% of global trade. I have no doubt we have to take responsibility for our failures. We can't afford to keep playing the blame game.
But when 50 years of foreign aid has failed to lift Africa out of poverty, could corruption be the reason?
Could that really be all there is to it?
Causes of corruption
The symptoms of corruption are easy to spot.
Teachers demand bribes from their students because they cannot get by on their wages. Government officials, doctors and nurses steal drugs meant for their patients to sell on the black market. African leaders have property portfolios across the globe, while their citizens live on $1 a day or less.
It is in the classroom that many get their first taste of corruption
But searching for the causes, I had to ask myself some difficult questions.
People often say a nation gets the government it deserves. And we Africans have certainly made some bad choices in terms of leaders, but all too often Western aid has ended up bankrolling them.
Aid has offered legitimacy to corrupt and autocratic regimes, allowing them to hang on to power even when they have lost popularity with their own citizens.
Many sub-Saharan African countries have had high levels of aid dependence - in excess of 10% of gross domestic product, or half of government spending - for decades.
When half the government budget comes from aid, African leaders find themselves less inclined to tax their citizens.
As a result, governments that are highly dependent on aid pay too much attention to donors and too little to the actual needs of their own citizens.
And unfortunately donors have their own objectives which are not always the same as the citizens of African countries.
Rewarding failure
Building new schools and clinics in record numbers looks good on paper and makes politicians look good in front of voters back home. But when these clinics lack the most basic facilities and there are not enough teachers in the classroom, it is the ordinary Africans who get a raw deal.
Another criticism of aid increasingly voiced by Africans, but rarely heard in the West is that it sponsors failure, but rarely rewards success.
One fifth of children in Sierra Leone will not see their fifth birthday
Graduates lost
Small African producers also have to compete with heavily subsided products from Europe and North America.
And in the labour ward mothers and their newborns are often without a bed
Tanzania cotton industry is capable of exporting almost half a million bales per year, but so far in 2008 the country has only managed 160,000 bales.
High government subsidies for North American cotton farmers prevent Ugandan producers from offering competitive prices in international markets.
In their glossy pamphlets and on the pages of their high-spec websites, donors tend to wax lyrical about the importance of trade to Africa's future, yet very little progress has been made on opening up international markets. African producers still represent just 1% of global trade.
And at least 70,000 skilled graduates abandon the continent every year, often trained by Western aid, but unable to stay in the market because salaries are so low.
Until these gifted and enterprising people can be attracted to return, most of the world's peacekeeping efforts, on the continent, and certainly most of its aid, will have little effect.
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Most are blessed with all the elements to help compete on a global stage - abundant natural resources, a young population and the climate and conditions to be a major agricultural force.
And yet today, my continent, which is home to 10% of the world's population, represents just 1% of global trade. I have no doubt we have to take responsibility for our failures. We can't afford to keep playing the blame game.
But when 50 years of foreign aid has failed to lift Africa out of poverty, could corruption be the reason?
Could that really be all there is to it?
Causes of corruption
The symptoms of corruption are easy to spot.
Teachers demand bribes from their students because they cannot get by on their wages. Government officials, doctors and nurses steal drugs meant for their patients to sell on the black market. African leaders have property portfolios across the globe, while their citizens live on $1 a day or less.
It is in the classroom that many get their first taste of corruption
But searching for the causes, I had to ask myself some difficult questions.
People often say a nation gets the government it deserves. And we Africans have certainly made some bad choices in terms of leaders, but all too often Western aid has ended up bankrolling them.
Aid has offered legitimacy to corrupt and autocratic regimes, allowing them to hang on to power even when they have lost popularity with their own citizens.
Many sub-Saharan African countries have had high levels of aid dependence - in excess of 10% of gross domestic product, or half of government spending - for decades.
When half the government budget comes from aid, African leaders find themselves less inclined to tax their citizens.
As a result, governments that are highly dependent on aid pay too much attention to donors and too little to the actual needs of their own citizens.
And unfortunately donors have their own objectives which are not always the same as the citizens of African countries.
Rewarding failure
Building new schools and clinics in record numbers looks good on paper and makes politicians look good in front of voters back home. But when these clinics lack the most basic facilities and there are not enough teachers in the classroom, it is the ordinary Africans who get a raw deal.
Another criticism of aid increasingly voiced by Africans, but rarely heard in the West is that it sponsors failure, but rarely rewards success.
One fifth of children in Sierra Leone will not see their fifth birthday
Graduates lost
Small African producers also have to compete with heavily subsided products from Europe and North America.
And in the labour ward mothers and their newborns are often without a bed
Tanzania cotton industry is capable of exporting almost half a million bales per year, but so far in 2008 the country has only managed 160,000 bales.
High government subsidies for North American cotton farmers prevent Ugandan producers from offering competitive prices in international markets.
In their glossy pamphlets and on the pages of their high-spec websites, donors tend to wax lyrical about the importance of trade to Africa's future, yet very little progress has been made on opening up international markets. African producers still represent just 1% of global trade.
And at least 70,000 skilled graduates abandon the continent every year, often trained by Western aid, but unable to stay in the market because salaries are so low.
Until these gifted and enterprising people can be attracted to return, most of the world's peacekeeping efforts, on the continent, and certainly most of its aid, will have little effect.
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
give out your comments!
give out your comments!
Globalization started in the 18th Century,and not in the 21st Century.Is it true?
I need you comments!
Globalization started in the 18th Century,and not in the 21st Century.Is it true?
I need you comments!
Monday, December 29, 2008
1. Costantine Magavilla
Yeye ni meneja wa masoko wa Zain.Amekuwa na mafanikio sana kiasi kwamba wateja wa Zain wamekaribia millioni tano.Amesikika sana katika vyombo vya habari
2.Kelvin Twissa
Kinara wa masoko nchini.Creative mind na entrepirse ideas alizonazo,zimemfanya kuheshimika Tanzania kutokana na kuipandisha tiGO toka kusikojulikana mpaka kunakojulikana.Katika mwaka 2006-2007,wakati akiwa meneja masoko wa tiGO,kati ya wateja 10 waliojiunga na mitandao nchini,7 walijiunga na tiGO.Kwa sasa yuko Zain akiwa kama meneja masoko(wateja)
3.Ephraim Mafuru
Mwanamasoko halisi wa Tanzania.Kabla ya kujiunga na vodacom alikuwa TBL kama meneja wa kinywaji cha tusker.Kwa sasa ni mkurugenzi wa masoko wa Vodacom,nafasi ya kwanza ya juu kabisa kushikiliwa na m-bongo katika kampuni hiyo.Unadhani mzungu anaweza kukupa nafasi nyeti kama hiyo bila kuwa mchapa kazi kweli?!!!anafaa
1. Costantine Magavilla
Yeye ni meneja wa masoko wa Zain.Amekuwa na mafanikio sana kiasi kwamba wateja wa Zain wamekaribia millioni tano.Amesikika sana katika vyombo vya habari
2.Kelvin Twissa
Kinara wa masoko nchini.Creative mind na entrepirse ideas alizonazo,zimemfanya kuheshimika Tanzania kutokana na kuipandisha tiGO toka kusikojulikana mpaka kunakojulikana.Katika mwaka 2006-2007,wakati akiwa meneja masoko wa tiGO,kati ya wateja 10 waliojiunga na mitandao nchini,7 walijiunga na tiGO.Kwa sasa yuko Zain akiwa kama meneja masoko(wateja)
3.Ephraim Mafuru
Mwanamasoko halisi wa Tanzania.Kabla ya kujiunga na vodacom alikuwa TBL kama meneja wa kinywaji cha tusker.Kwa sasa ni mkurugenzi wa masoko wa Vodacom,nafasi ya kwanza ya juu kabisa kushikiliwa na m-bongo katika kampuni hiyo.Unadhani mzungu anaweza kukupa nafasi nyeti kama hiyo bila kuwa mchapa kazi kweli?!!!anafaa
Wenger unsure of funds for transfer window
Arsene Wenger has admitted that he would like to bring in reinforcements in the January transfer window to bolster his Arsenal side's faltering title challenge but does not know the club will make the necessary cash available.
A late goal from William Gallas scraped a 1-0 win for the Gunners against Portsmouth on Sunday to keep their faint title hopes alive, however they still trail Premier League leaders Liverpool by 10 points.
Wenger knows his side must improve in the second half of the season but is hamstrung by long-term injuries which rule out Cesc Fabregas, Tomas Rosicky and Theo Walcott.
''I want a creative midfielder,'' he told Canal+. ''That is to say a second midfielder, because my team is right in terms of manpower and experience.
''[But] I can't spend money I don't have. The [global financial] crisis is upon us and we feel it at the club.''
One player Arsenal have been linked with is Zenit St Petersburg playmaker Andrei Arshavin. However, Wenger refused to confirm he is chasing the Russia forward. ''There's no point in giving me names,'' he added.
Meanwhile, Wenger wants his controversial former captain Gallas to carry on scoring in the Arsenal cause.
Gallas, who was stripped of the captaincy after several flashpoints during his tenure, scored the late header that secured all three points for Arsenal in the win over Pompey.
There were rumours Wenger would try to offload Gallas but Wenger has insisted he does not want to sell any players in the January transfer window, which opens on Thursday.
Wenger said: ''He answers everybody by his performance on the pitch and that's what you do when you are a great player. He started as a striker and looks most likely to score at set-pieces. He has good timing to attack the ball.''
The Frenchman also believes that his current injury-plagued side has received more unfair flak than any previous Arsenal team he has managed.
He said: ''The team is maturing and has shown great mental strength in the past few weeks. ''No team since I have been here has got as bad publicity and I don't think it is fair because they have got great character. I want them to get rewarded for their character.''
For those who worry about their "carbon footprint" every time they turn on the television or leave a hall light on, there are a variety of ways to mitigate the carbon dioxide produced by coal-fired power plants. For example, one can purchase carbon offsets online, the proceeds of which go to planting trees or subsidizing renewable, lower-pollution energy sources like wind and solar power.
In mid-February, North Carolina's two largest utilities — Duke Energy Carolinas and Progress Energy Carolinas — announced their plan to offer "carbon-free electricity." The utilities' goal is to increase people's awareness about the choices they make in using electricity, says Paige Sheehan, a Duke Energy spokesperson. "If customers understand the trade-offs of the power they use, then hopefully it will drive better decisions with how they use power."
Customers would buy carbon offsets through the utilities to compensate for the carbon dioxide emitted from their electricity use. The price of these credits would be determined by an offset provider chosen by the utilities. One possible provider, NC GreenPower, currently charges $4 for one block of 100 kilowatt hours of green energy. (A typical household consumes about 1,000 kilowatt hours a month.)
But, as the article's title implies, this is "more complicated ...." Beware, some cool economics with quotes from environmental economists might follow.
While carbon offset programs sound like a good deal for the environment, their impact is not as straightforward as it seems. In fact, such programs may not do as much good as people think.
The motivation behind voluntary purchases of carbon offsets can be compared to making charitable contributions, says economist Matthew Kotchen at the University of California at Santa Barbara. People must receive some private benefit — such as feeling a "warm glow" or gaining social approval — from providing a public good. Otherwise, why would they bother to take measures to forestall climate change, knowing that others can benefit from their efforts without lifting a finger?
Unlike donations, however, the purchase of carbon offsets is an effort to clean up one's own actions. That could lead to more carbon-intensive activities if offsetting makes people feel less guilty about global warming. For instance, those who would otherwise buy a Prius may go for a Hummer instead if they can offset the latter's carbon dioxide emissions. Or a household may consume more electricity if they know that they can easily make up for the environmental impact by buying more carbon offsets.
If people voluntarily purchase carbon offsets, that must mean the offsets are "cheaper" than the guilt they feel over their carbon footprint, notes University of Melbourne economist Joshua Gans. The lower the price of the offset, the more easily they assuage their guilt. If a consumer's electricity use is no longer constrained by guilt, then he might end up consuming more electricity.
Moreover, if the money that comes from offsetting "dirty" electricity goes to investing in wind or solar energy, then increased competition from "green" electricity may also provoke incumbent power companies to drop their prices and produce more "dirty energy." The lower prices that result could increase overall electricity consumption by all households. Hence, trying to do something good for the environment might inadvertently encourage the sort of behavior that is anathema to someone worried about carbon emissions in the first place.
In a recent paper, however, Gans finds that it's unlikely that carbon offset programs would do more harm than good. He argues that the ability of green power to pressure utilities into lowering prices depends on the volume of offsets for building that green power capacity. The price effect would be small if only a few people subsidize a wind farm. But if a large number of people purchase offsets, then a huge amount of green power would be available. This is more likely to displace dirty electricity than to provoke more of it.
Net emissions of carbon dioxide will likely fall as a result of carbon offsets, but Gans suggests that the reduction is probably not as large as offset purchasers think. "They're not wiping them out entirely," Gans says.
The biggest limitation of carbon offsets in addressing climate change lies in its nature as a public good: A voluntary means of curbing carbon emissions can only go so far. "[It] creates the false impression that global warming can be tamed by voluntary efforts," wrote Judge Richard Posner late last year in his blog shared by economist Gary Becker, both at the University of Chicago.
The compulsion to free-ride is just too strong. "I think that [carbon offsets programs] can have a meaningful contribution, but they're not to be thought of as a solution [to climate change]," Kotchen says. How much they are contributing to the environment isn't clear, he notes. The complexity of behavioral and industry responses means that more research is needed.
In mid-February, North Carolina's two largest utilities — Duke Energy Carolinas and Progress Energy Carolinas — announced their plan to offer "carbon-free electricity." The utilities' goal is to increase people's awareness about the choices they make in using electricity, says Paige Sheehan, a Duke Energy spokesperson. "If customers understand the trade-offs of the power they use, then hopefully it will drive better decisions with how they use power."
Customers would buy carbon offsets through the utilities to compensate for the carbon dioxide emitted from their electricity use. The price of these credits would be determined by an offset provider chosen by the utilities. One possible provider, NC GreenPower, currently charges $4 for one block of 100 kilowatt hours of green energy. (A typical household consumes about 1,000 kilowatt hours a month.)
But, as the article's title implies, this is "more complicated ...." Beware, some cool economics with quotes from environmental economists might follow.
While carbon offset programs sound like a good deal for the environment, their impact is not as straightforward as it seems. In fact, such programs may not do as much good as people think.
The motivation behind voluntary purchases of carbon offsets can be compared to making charitable contributions, says economist Matthew Kotchen at the University of California at Santa Barbara. People must receive some private benefit — such as feeling a "warm glow" or gaining social approval — from providing a public good. Otherwise, why would they bother to take measures to forestall climate change, knowing that others can benefit from their efforts without lifting a finger?
Unlike donations, however, the purchase of carbon offsets is an effort to clean up one's own actions. That could lead to more carbon-intensive activities if offsetting makes people feel less guilty about global warming. For instance, those who would otherwise buy a Prius may go for a Hummer instead if they can offset the latter's carbon dioxide emissions. Or a household may consume more electricity if they know that they can easily make up for the environmental impact by buying more carbon offsets.
If people voluntarily purchase carbon offsets, that must mean the offsets are "cheaper" than the guilt they feel over their carbon footprint, notes University of Melbourne economist Joshua Gans. The lower the price of the offset, the more easily they assuage their guilt. If a consumer's electricity use is no longer constrained by guilt, then he might end up consuming more electricity.
Moreover, if the money that comes from offsetting "dirty" electricity goes to investing in wind or solar energy, then increased competition from "green" electricity may also provoke incumbent power companies to drop their prices and produce more "dirty energy." The lower prices that result could increase overall electricity consumption by all households. Hence, trying to do something good for the environment might inadvertently encourage the sort of behavior that is anathema to someone worried about carbon emissions in the first place.
In a recent paper, however, Gans finds that it's unlikely that carbon offset programs would do more harm than good. He argues that the ability of green power to pressure utilities into lowering prices depends on the volume of offsets for building that green power capacity. The price effect would be small if only a few people subsidize a wind farm. But if a large number of people purchase offsets, then a huge amount of green power would be available. This is more likely to displace dirty electricity than to provoke more of it.
Net emissions of carbon dioxide will likely fall as a result of carbon offsets, but Gans suggests that the reduction is probably not as large as offset purchasers think. "They're not wiping them out entirely," Gans says.
The biggest limitation of carbon offsets in addressing climate change lies in its nature as a public good: A voluntary means of curbing carbon emissions can only go so far. "[It] creates the false impression that global warming can be tamed by voluntary efforts," wrote Judge Richard Posner late last year in his blog shared by economist Gary Becker, both at the University of Chicago.
The compulsion to free-ride is just too strong. "I think that [carbon offsets programs] can have a meaningful contribution, but they're not to be thought of as a solution [to climate change]," Kotchen says. How much they are contributing to the environment isn't clear, he notes. The complexity of behavioral and industry responses means that more research is needed.
Remembering Chico Mendes, Mourning the Amazon's Demise
Pic:Chico Mendes
As Brazil and the world mourn and memorialize the great Amazon rainforest advocate Chico Mendes [ark], two things have become abundantly clear. First, to speak and organize for Amazonian rainforest ecological sustainability still remains virtually a death sentence in Brazil. Hundreds of Brazilians activists are routinely threatened with assassination [ark]. This is so sad, and lack of a massive government response unforgivable, given increased ecological sensitivity and desire to act nationally.
And secondly, despite improved efforts at least rhetorically by the Brazilian government, the Amazon's rainforests, and thus global atmospheric and ecological sustainability, remain deeply threatened. With deforestation having increased [search] by 64% this past year, it is difficult to envision a future solution -- based upon continued piddly policy half-measures and NGO token projects -- that keeps the Amazon intact and fully functional as a whole.
Clear prohibitions in the Amazon and rest of the world's rainforests on any industrial logging and development, backed up with a well-funded and trained enforcement, would be the sufficient place to start. If this massive planetary ecosystem engine is fragmented and diminished, collapsing into pieces, Brazil and the Earth's habitability will be deeply threatened. Only responses at scales commiserate to the problem can save the Amazon now.
David's new tatt needles Posh
Picture: David Beckham
FOR such a clean-living sportsman, DAVID BECKHAM has had a skinful.
The England midfielder has gone and got himself yet another tattoo — and his missus isn’t happy.
The new marking on his left arm is a biblical proverb written in Hebrew.
It reads: “My son, do not forget my teaching but keep my commands in your heart.”
I’m surprised he had enough space left on his skin for all that.
Insiders say Becks is chuffed with the result. But VICTORIA thinks her hubby is overdoing the body art and has been pleading with him to stop.
The star’s latest work was done by his regular tattooist, LOUIS MALLOY, after he and Posh returned to the UK with kids BROOKLYN, ROMEO and CRUZ to spend Christmas here.
A source revealed: “Victoria doesn’t think David should have any more tattoos and tried to stop him having another. She likes his tatts but wants a bit of his skin to be left, yet David went ahead with it anyway.
“She is worried he is hooked and she doesn’t know where it will all end. He is a very healthy bloke.
“He doesn’t smoke, barely drinks and looks after his body very carefully. But his addiction is tattoos.
“So while his insides are as clean as a whistle, his outsides are quite the opposite.”
This is not Becks’ first Hebrew scribbling. The footie legend — on loan from US team LA Galaxy to AC Milan — also has the Hebrew phrase: “I am my beloved and my beloved is mine” on his left arm.
I somehow doubt Becks’ Hebrew is fluent, so he is putting an awful lot of trust in inkman Louis.
For all the former Man Utd star knows, he could have the Man City team’s names scrawled over his arm.
As for Posh’s attempts to stop him going OTT, I’ve an idea for a proverb to add to her own modest collection of tattoos.
I suggest: “It is too late to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted.”
SPIKA wa Bunge la Muungano, Samwel Sitta ameongeza chachu katika mjadala wa kumuondolea kinga Rais Mstaafu Benjamin Mkapa, baada ya kueleza kuwa yuko tayari kupokea na kujadili hoja binafsi za wabunge ili ikiwezekana kiongozi huyo wa serikali ya awamu ya tatu apandishwe kizimbani.
Tayari mawaziri wawili wa Mkapa, Basil Mramba na Daniel Yona, pamoja na katibu mkuu wa wizara, Gray Mgonja wameshafikishwa mahakamani kwa tuhuma za kutumia vibaya ofisi wakati wakiwa mawaziri, lakini bado baadhi ya watu wanataka rais huyo mstaafu apandishwe kizimbani kwa makosa aliyoyafanya akiwa Ikulu.
Mbunge wa Karatu, Dk Wilibrod Slaa ametangaza nia yake ya kuwasilisha hoja binafsi katika kikao kijacho cha Bunge la Muungano, kutaka Mkapa afikishwe mahakamani akidai kuwa suala hilo halihitaji kiongozi huyo wa zamani kuondolewa kinga kama wasomi walivyoshauri, huku kiongozi wa upinzani bungeni, Hamad Rashid akisema ameshaandaa hoja binafsi ya kumuondolea kinga Mkapa.
Na Spika Sitta alikuwa na maneno mazuri kwa wabunge hao wawili na watu wengine wanaoshinikiza kutekelezwa kwa suala hilo.
"Nitatilia maanani hoja yoyote inayomhusu Mkapa itakayofikishwa mezani kwangu na kuiruhusu ijadiliwe ndani ya Bunge," alisema Sitta.
"Bunge bado lina nafasi ya kujadili suala la Rais Mkapa na kulitolea maamuzi kama bunge... na wala mlango haujafungwa kuhusu hoja binafsi itakayotolewa, hivyo kama kuna mbunge yeyote mwenye hoja kuhusu suala hilo anaruhusiwa kuiwasilisha mezani kwangu siwezi kukataa kuipokea."
Lakini Spika Sitta akakumbusha utaratibu wa kuwasilisha hoja bungeni. "Kabla ya hoja hiyo kujadiliwa rasmi bungeni, kuna kamati ya uongozi ambayo hukutana na kuijadili na ikibainika kwamba hoja iliyowasilishwa imejitosheleza na inastahili kujadiliwa, hufikishwa mbele ya wabunge kwa ajili ya mjadala huo," alisema.
Spika Sitta alisema moja ya kanuni za bunge kuhusu hoja yoyote inasema kwamba "hoja lazima ijitosheleze na iwe na uhusiano na suala husika" na kama itajitosheleza kamwe hawezi kufungiwa mlango.
"Kwanza kabla ya mtoa hoja hajawasilisha hoja yake anatakiwa awe na mtandao na wabunge wenzake na wakubaliane ili iwe rahisi kwa hoja yake kuungwa mkono na wenzake bungeni na itakapobainika kwamba, hoja hiyo ina nguvu na imeungwa mkono na wabunge wengi, basi bunge linaweza kubadili katiba na hatimaye Rais huyo Mstaafu akashitakiwa kama raia yeyote ndani ya nchi,"alifafanua Sitta.
Spika Sitta aliongeza kuwa hatua ya pili ambayo mwasilisha hoja anatakiwa kuzingatia ni suala la kanuni za bunge, katiba ya nchi na sheria zilizopo na kwamba hayo yote yakitekelezwa na hoja ikajitosheleza kulishawishi bunge kufanya marekebisho ndani ya katiba yeye kama Spika ama mtu mwingine hawezi kupingana na maamuzi hayo ya bunge.
Alionya kuwa mtoa hoja asipozingatia mambo hayo badala yake akaamua kutoa hoja kwa jitihada zake binafsi huku akijiami kwamba, anaweza kulishawishi bunge kwa kutumia nguvu ya hoja zake, anaweza asifanikiwe hata kama kamati yake ya uongozi itaipitisha hoja hiyo.
Dk Slaa anasema suala la Mkapa kufikishwa mahakamani halihitaji kuondolewa kinga kwa maelezo kuwa tuhuma zinazomkabili za kufanya biashara akiwa Ikulu hazihusiani na nafasi yake kama rais bali mtu binafsi.
Lakini Rashid aliiambia Mwananchi jana kuwa ameshaandaa hoja hiyo na sasa anatafuta kuungwa mkono.
"Kwanza ninampongeza Dk Slaa kwa uamuzi wake wa kujiandaa kuwasilisha hoja hiyo... na mimi natarajia kwamba tutakapokutana na wabunge wenzangu, akiwemo Dk Slaa, tutajadiliana suala hilo ingawa nimeshamaliza kuandika hoja yangu kuhusu marekebisho ya katiba ili Mkapa aweze kushitakiwa pamoja mambo mengine ndani ya nchi kama vile marekebisho ya mikataba feki," alisema Rashid na kuongeza:
"Ili Rais ashtakiwe ama kuondolewa kinga, inabidi katiba ibadilishwe na hivyo ninaamini kwamba, kwa hoja zetu safari hii wabunge watazikubali hasa ikizingatiwa kwamba suala la Mkapa ni kilio cha wananchi cha muda mrefu."
Aliongeza kwamba katiba ina mapungufu mengi na moja ya mapungufu hayo ni kuwapa viongozi nguvu ya kutoshtakiwa na kwamba, katiba hiyo hiyo pia inajipinga yenyewe katika baadhi ya vipengele vyake.
Tayari mawaziri wawili wa Mkapa, Basil Mramba na Daniel Yona, pamoja na katibu mkuu wa wizara, Gray Mgonja wameshafikishwa mahakamani kwa tuhuma za kutumia vibaya ofisi wakati wakiwa mawaziri, lakini bado baadhi ya watu wanataka rais huyo mstaafu apandishwe kizimbani kwa makosa aliyoyafanya akiwa Ikulu.
Mbunge wa Karatu, Dk Wilibrod Slaa ametangaza nia yake ya kuwasilisha hoja binafsi katika kikao kijacho cha Bunge la Muungano, kutaka Mkapa afikishwe mahakamani akidai kuwa suala hilo halihitaji kiongozi huyo wa zamani kuondolewa kinga kama wasomi walivyoshauri, huku kiongozi wa upinzani bungeni, Hamad Rashid akisema ameshaandaa hoja binafsi ya kumuondolea kinga Mkapa.
Na Spika Sitta alikuwa na maneno mazuri kwa wabunge hao wawili na watu wengine wanaoshinikiza kutekelezwa kwa suala hilo.
"Nitatilia maanani hoja yoyote inayomhusu Mkapa itakayofikishwa mezani kwangu na kuiruhusu ijadiliwe ndani ya Bunge," alisema Sitta.
"Bunge bado lina nafasi ya kujadili suala la Rais Mkapa na kulitolea maamuzi kama bunge... na wala mlango haujafungwa kuhusu hoja binafsi itakayotolewa, hivyo kama kuna mbunge yeyote mwenye hoja kuhusu suala hilo anaruhusiwa kuiwasilisha mezani kwangu siwezi kukataa kuipokea."
Lakini Spika Sitta akakumbusha utaratibu wa kuwasilisha hoja bungeni. "Kabla ya hoja hiyo kujadiliwa rasmi bungeni, kuna kamati ya uongozi ambayo hukutana na kuijadili na ikibainika kwamba hoja iliyowasilishwa imejitosheleza na inastahili kujadiliwa, hufikishwa mbele ya wabunge kwa ajili ya mjadala huo," alisema.
Spika Sitta alisema moja ya kanuni za bunge kuhusu hoja yoyote inasema kwamba "hoja lazima ijitosheleze na iwe na uhusiano na suala husika" na kama itajitosheleza kamwe hawezi kufungiwa mlango.
"Kwanza kabla ya mtoa hoja hajawasilisha hoja yake anatakiwa awe na mtandao na wabunge wenzake na wakubaliane ili iwe rahisi kwa hoja yake kuungwa mkono na wenzake bungeni na itakapobainika kwamba, hoja hiyo ina nguvu na imeungwa mkono na wabunge wengi, basi bunge linaweza kubadili katiba na hatimaye Rais huyo Mstaafu akashitakiwa kama raia yeyote ndani ya nchi,"alifafanua Sitta.
Spika Sitta aliongeza kuwa hatua ya pili ambayo mwasilisha hoja anatakiwa kuzingatia ni suala la kanuni za bunge, katiba ya nchi na sheria zilizopo na kwamba hayo yote yakitekelezwa na hoja ikajitosheleza kulishawishi bunge kufanya marekebisho ndani ya katiba yeye kama Spika ama mtu mwingine hawezi kupingana na maamuzi hayo ya bunge.
Alionya kuwa mtoa hoja asipozingatia mambo hayo badala yake akaamua kutoa hoja kwa jitihada zake binafsi huku akijiami kwamba, anaweza kulishawishi bunge kwa kutumia nguvu ya hoja zake, anaweza asifanikiwe hata kama kamati yake ya uongozi itaipitisha hoja hiyo.
Dk Slaa anasema suala la Mkapa kufikishwa mahakamani halihitaji kuondolewa kinga kwa maelezo kuwa tuhuma zinazomkabili za kufanya biashara akiwa Ikulu hazihusiani na nafasi yake kama rais bali mtu binafsi.
Lakini Rashid aliiambia Mwananchi jana kuwa ameshaandaa hoja hiyo na sasa anatafuta kuungwa mkono.
"Kwanza ninampongeza Dk Slaa kwa uamuzi wake wa kujiandaa kuwasilisha hoja hiyo... na mimi natarajia kwamba tutakapokutana na wabunge wenzangu, akiwemo Dk Slaa, tutajadiliana suala hilo ingawa nimeshamaliza kuandika hoja yangu kuhusu marekebisho ya katiba ili Mkapa aweze kushitakiwa pamoja mambo mengine ndani ya nchi kama vile marekebisho ya mikataba feki," alisema Rashid na kuongeza:
"Ili Rais ashtakiwe ama kuondolewa kinga, inabidi katiba ibadilishwe na hivyo ninaamini kwamba, kwa hoja zetu safari hii wabunge watazikubali hasa ikizingatiwa kwamba suala la Mkapa ni kilio cha wananchi cha muda mrefu."
Aliongeza kwamba katiba ina mapungufu mengi na moja ya mapungufu hayo ni kuwapa viongozi nguvu ya kutoshtakiwa na kwamba, katiba hiyo hiyo pia inajipinga yenyewe katika baadhi ya vipengele vyake.
I'll give her plenty of other relationship tips, too, like how it's perfectly okay to ask a guy out, to make the first move, to even propose, but when it comes to the "L" word, the ball's in the guy's court.
This issue can cause a bit of commotion. "What is this, the Victorian era?" wrote one person, "if you truly love someone, tell them. Otherwise you're just playing outdated coquettish games." Another put it more diplomatically: "I don't think I've ever said 'I love you' first, but someone has to do it. It's okay to take a few risks."
I appreciate both arguments and understand the sentiments behind them, but at the risk of having my feminist card revoked, I think it's naïve for a woman to utter those three little words before a man does.
Unlike asking a man out, making a move on him, or even proposing, there's no action-based response to the first "I love you." It's all words, it's all emotion. In that moment, he either loves you back or he doesn't -- you only hear the black or white of a 'yes' or 'no,' not the gray of "Well, I like you a whole lot and I could see myself falling in love with you, but I'm just not quite there yet."
And the truth is, it often takes men longer to get there than it does for women. Men process their emotions more slowly, they're usually more cautious about taking their feelings and relationships to the next level.
So what happens if you get there first and you say it and he's not there yet? What happens when your "I love you" is met with a "thank you," or worse, a deer-in-headlights look? Well, it stings, sure, but more than that, it can stop a perfectly happy and healthy relationship in its tracks before it's even too far from the station.
If a woman asks a man out and he says 'no,' at least she knows where she stands with him and she doesn't waste any time pining over someone who isn't interested. Same thing goes if she makes a move on him and she's rejected.
If she's in a serious relationship -- one where the expression of love has been made clearly by both partners -- and she's eager to make a deeper commitment, there's nothing wrong with proposing. At the very least, it'll start a conversation of where the relationship is headed so the woman can decide for herself if and how long she's willing to wait if the man isn't interested in getting married yet.
But an "I love you" uttered too soon, before the man has processed his feelings and reached the same level of adoration could end a relationship that just as easily could have had an eternal shelf life. As soon as those words are said, they change the dynamic. If a man isn't feeling the love quite yet, he may suddenly feel pressure to manifest that emotion. And if the woman doesn't get the response she expected, it could damage her confidence enough to derail the whole relationship entirely.
I guess my advice to my future daughter would be this: "If you love a man and want to have a long relationship with him, give him time to get there. If you think you've given him enough time and you're ready to move on if he doesn't feel the same way for you, then go ahead and tell him you love him. But only say those words if you're prepared to let him go."
Then I'd teach her how to make my famous chili and do a one-handed cartwheel.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Wapenzi wa blog ya mwanaharakati,
Nilipata kusoma Kazima sekondari miaka ya 1992-95 na SHYCOM 1996-1998.Wale wote watakaitembelea blog hii walisoma Kazima na SHYCOM mnaombwa kujiorodhesha kwenye eneo la comments la blog hii,na namba zenu za simu.Tunataka kufanya kitu kwa maendeleo yetu sisi na shule tulizosoma.
Wale wa kazima mnamkumbuka babu?Mwalimu Nzumbi?mama ruoja?na wengineo?
Wale wa SHYCOM mnamkumbuka KARO?Muna na wengineo?leteni stori za enzi hizo!
Nilipata kusoma Kazima sekondari miaka ya 1992-95 na SHYCOM 1996-1998.Wale wote watakaitembelea blog hii walisoma Kazima na SHYCOM mnaombwa kujiorodhesha kwenye eneo la comments la blog hii,na namba zenu za simu.Tunataka kufanya kitu kwa maendeleo yetu sisi na shule tulizosoma.
Wale wa kazima mnamkumbuka babu?Mwalimu Nzumbi?mama ruoja?na wengineo?
Wale wa SHYCOM mnamkumbuka KARO?Muna na wengineo?leteni stori za enzi hizo!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wapenzi wa blog yangu nawatakia kila ka heri katika sikukuu ya kuzaliwa Yesu kristo na mwaka mpya.Soma Mathayo 1:25.Ubarikiwe sana.Amen
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Ndugu wanaharakati wenzangu,nilipokuwa Israel nilifanikiwa kutembelea maeneo mengi ya ukombozi wa mwanadamu hasa ya kihistoria katika biblia.Nilipata kupaona Sodoma na Gomora ambako Mungu alipateketeza kwa moto.Mpaka sasa bado panatisha jamani.Hakuna mmea unaomea sehemu hizo na hakuna watu wanoishi.Kama picha inavyoonesha(bad terrain),ndivyo kulivyo.Hii inatufundisha nini?inatufundisha kuwa tuziache njia zetu mbaya,tumfuate Mungu anasema nini ili yasije kutupata kama ya Sodoma na Gomora.Utajiuliza,kama hili lilitokea hapa duniani je,huko mbinguni si ndio itakuwa balaa!!!
Tuziache dhambi.tutubu na kumrudia Mungu.Tuzishike amri na maagizo anayotuagiza kufanya.Mungu wetu ni mwema atatusamehe na kutusikiliza(Isaya 41:10)
Picha: Sodoma na Gomora
Tuziache dhambi.tutubu na kumrudia Mungu.Tuzishike amri na maagizo anayotuagiza kufanya.Mungu wetu ni mwema atatusamehe na kutusikiliza(Isaya 41:10)

Guinea's president, Lansana Conte, dies
Picture: Lansana Conte addressing UN
CONAKRY, Guinea – Guinea President Lansana Conte, who has ruled the African nation with an iron hand since seizing power in a coup nearly a quarter century ago, has died following a lengthy illness, the National Assembly president said Tuesday.
Aboubacar Sompare, flanked by the country's prime minister and the head of the army, said on state-run television that Conte died Monday evening. He was believed to be in his 70s but the government has never disclosed his birth date.
"I have the heavy duty of informing the people of Guinea of the death of Gen. Lansana Conte following a long illness," said Sompare. He did not provide a specific cause of death or elaborate on the type of illness.
Sompare said that for many years Conte "hid his physical suffering in order to give happiness to Guinea."
Conte was one of the last members of a dwindling group of so-called "African Big Men" who came to power by the gun and resisted the democratic tide sweeping the continent.
He seized power in a military coup a week after the 1984 death of Ahmed Sekou Toure, Guinea's first president after gaining independence from France in 1958. Conte's official biography described the action as "an operation to safeguard and maintain peace in the country."
Conte quickly established himself as the sole leader of the military junta. He abandoned Toure's revolutionary socialist agenda, but like his predecessor, suppressed dissent.
As a post-Cold War democracy wave swept Africa, Conte formed a political party and in 1993 won the country's first multi-party presidential election. He was re-elected in 1998 and 2003, though the opposition rejected the elections, protesting that they were flawed.
Guineau's 10 million people are among the poorest in the world, even though the nation holds half the world's reserves of bauxite, the ore used to make aluminum. It exported food at independence, but corruption, inflation and high unemployment made it more impoverished, it had to begin importing food.
According to the Constitution, the head of the national assembly becomes president in the case of the death of the head of state. But transfers of power have rarely been smooth in Guinea, which has been crippled by corruption and rocked by multiple coups.
Prime Minister Ahmed Tidiane Souare called on the army to secure the nation's borders, while Sompare directed the country's courts to apply the law.
The two announcements, coupled by the presence of the head of the army, appeared to be an effort to signal that the government intended a peaceful transition.
The most serious recent challenge to Conte's rule came two years ago as demonstrators called for him to step down and Guinea descended into chaos.
Conte responded by declaring martial law and sent tanks into the capital streets. Security forces killed dozens of demonstrators.
Conte's health and his undisclosed illness has been an issue of national debate for years. Rumors of his death surfaced periodically, including in 2003 when he was forced to go on TV to deny them.
Such rumors flared earlier this month when Conte failed to make his usual televised appearance on Tabaski, an important Muslim holiday. The prime minister and others appeared in his place, but people were on edge and numerous businesses shuttered their doors to protect against possible unrest.
Last week, the editor of a local paper was arrested after publishing a picture of the frail leader struggling to stand up. A spokesman for the president went on TV to assure the nation that Conte was not ill.
The newspaper was ordered to print a photograph of Conte, showing him in good health.
Mahakama Kuu Kitengo cha Biashara, imeiamuru Kampuni ya Said Salim Bakhresa (SSB) kulipa fidia ya zaidi ya Sh milioni 739 kwa Kampuni ya Agro-Processing & Allied Product Ltd baada ya kutumia nembo yake katika biashara kimakosa. Kampuni ya Agro-Processing & Allied Product Ltd ilifungua kesi hiyo ya madai dhidi ya SSB baada ya kutumia nembo yake ya ‘Poa’ iliyokuwa ikitumiwa na kampuni hiyo na ambayo ilisajiliwa Machi 5, 2001 chini ya Msajili wa Nembo. Kampuni hiyo inadai kuwa kati ya Juni mwaka huohuo, mlalamikiwa naye alijaribu kusajili nembo yenye neno ‘Sembe poa’, ‘Unga poa’ na ‘Ngano poa’ na kutumia nembo hizo katika biashara zake. Mlalamikaji katika kesi hiyo ambaye ni Kampuni ya Agro- Processing & Allied Product Ltd, ilifungua kesi katika mahakama hiyo kwa kosa la kutumia nembo yake kufanyia biashara. Aliiomba mahakama iiamuru kampuni hiyo iilipe gharama zaidi ya Sh milioni 209 kama gharama halisi; kuondoa bidhaa zote zilizopo sokoni zenye nembo hiyo na kulipa gharama nyingine ambazo mahakama itaona zinafaa kulipwa. Jaji Bernard Luanda aliyekuwa akisikiliza kesi hiyo, aliridhia ombi hilo la mlalamikaji baada ya kugundua kuwa SSB imefanya makosa kutumia nembo hiyo katika biashara zake. Aliamuru ilipe Sh milioni 50 kama gharama za hasara iliyoingia kampuni iliyolalamika na Sh milioni 80 kama adhabu kwa kampuni hiyo. Aidha, Jaji Luanda alisema kwa kuwa kampuni iliyolalamikiwa ilitumia nembo hiyo katika bidhaa zake kwa muda mrefu wakati si nembo yake, inatakiwa iilipe kampuni inayolalamika Sh milioni 400 kwa hasara iliyoisababishia kampuni hiyo kwa kipindi chote hicho iliyotumia kampuni hiyo.
Tunahitaji kujua kwa sababu hatujui; na hatuwezi kujua kama hatujui kwamba hatujui...Hatutajua chochote iwapo hatutahoji na kudadisi. Na kadiri tunavyojua, ndivyo tunavyogundua kwamba hatujui...
The Russian magnate – who is thought to be down to his last £7billion – has also ordered a pay freeze for staff on his £72million floating palace Pelorus.
But last night angry crew members branded him Scroogeski for ordering the cutbacks – while still paying stars like Blues idol Frank Lampard £150,000-a-week.
Cutting costs ... Abramovich
One said: “If he sold just one player, the savings from their wages would give us a good Christmas and a New Year rise with lots to spare.
“Bosses point out he’s a good employer and deserves loyalty during the downturn, but his footballers have been left untouched. It’s people on modest pay making sacrifices not the stars with their huge mansions.”
Oil rich Abramovich, 42, and new love Daria Zhukova, 27, regularly entertain guests aboard 377ft Pelorus, currently at St Barts in the Caribbean.
And the 50-strong crew normally receive a month’s wages as their Christmas bonus. Red Rom’s bid to scupper spending is the most telling of a swathe of austerity measures since the value of his assets crashed.
He was named Britain’s second-richest man in April with an estimated fortune of £11.7billion. But experts say that has plunged at least £3billion.
Sunday Times Rich List compiler Philip Beresford said: “If you’re three thousand million pounds down it makes sense to cut costs.
“He has been very badly hit and it’s no wonder even he is tightening his belt.
“Chelsea stars too may get a shock next time they negotiate pay deals!”
And if any blokes out there weren’t already feeling inferior . . . yes, Barack Obama also has a V spot.
The new US Commander-in-Chief — or maybe Commander in Briefs — couldn’t resist whipping off his T-shirt and showing off the taught lines of abdominal muscle while on holiday in Hawaii with wife Michelle and their girls.
Uneasy riders ... Barack's twitchy security team included 20 guards on motorbikes
His buff chest and toned tum belie his 47 years and show he’s got more in common with George Clooney than George Bush.
It also seems he visits the same chest-waxing salon as Chelsea’s Frank Lampard.
Hot stuff ... Obama with beach towel and, right, playing golf
There is just a crumb of comfort for us ordinary men — at least we can nip to the boozer for a quick pint without a cavalcade of TWENTY police motorcycles roaring after us.
For while Barack found time to chill out and play a round of golf with his aides, his twitchy security servicemen couldn’t afford to be so relaxed.
They have been watching his every move in case anyone should try to have a pop at the President-elect.
The squad bikes lined the front of the compound where the Obamas are staying and secret servicemen prowled the perimeter with headsets.
Super-fit Barack leaves all other political heavyweights looking just that — chubby and out of shape.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Becks, 33, is eligible to turn out for the Italian giants after joining on loan from LA Galaxy until March.
But Milan vice-president Adriano Galliani insists the midfielder may not be used as he will not be around to feature in the latter stages.
Galliani said: "Beckham is in good physical condition.
"He will be here with us for nine Serie A games and will also play some friendlies.
"We will then consider whether to include him or not in our UEFA Cup squad because eventually he would only be able to play up to the first and second leg of the last 16 of the competition.
"We will make this decision by the end of January."
Milan were paired with Werder Bremen in the last 32 of the UEFA Cup at last Friday's draw.
The superstar, 50 — seen in a wheelchair earlier this year — is said to be so frail he can barely speak.
Jacko’s secret was revealed by his biographer Ian Halperin, who declared: “He needs a lung transplant, but may be too weak to go through with it. He also has emphysema and chronic gastrointestinal bleeding, which his doctors have had a lot of trouble stopping.
Stricken ... frail Jacko
“It’s the bleeding that’s the most problematic part. It could kill him.”
Halperin, an award-winning investigative journalist, said Jacko was stricken with an inherited condition called A1AD — alpha-1 anti-trypsin deficiency. Sufferers lack a protein which protects the lungs.
Halperin, a Canadian who has written for respected Rolling Stone magazine, said: “He can barely speak. The vision in his left eye is 95 per cent gone.
“For years Michael has been working with his doctors to make sure it doesn’t progress.
“He has been on many medications that have stabilised him.”
Jacko’s brother JERMAINE confirmed: “He’s not doing so well right now. This isn’t a good time.”
Skint Jacko, who was cleared of child abuse three years ago, is being forced to flog off treasures from his Neverland ranch — which he has now abandoned.
And a woman calling herself Billie Jean Jackson — who claims she is the star’s wife — is suing him for £700,000.
She insists she is the mother of his youngest child Prince Michael II and is demanding joint custody.
Unfair government policies fail to benefit poor people who live in the forests of many developing countries. Those same policies fail even to protect forests, according to a new study.
Charcoal Trucks, Senegal. Photo by Allyson Purpura.
Double standards and arbitrary enforcement are the main culprits. In Senegal, for example, rural communities must produce and follow detailed forestry management plans, while corporations need only a simple permit. In Honduras, authorities ensure that community groups follow certain regulations, while ignoring the activities of corporations bound by the same laws. Similar stories have played out in Mali, Honduras, Cameroon, Uganda, Brazil, Nicaragua and India, according to the study.
“People in poverty are not just left behind by government policy. They are excluded,” said Jesse Ribot of the Institutions and Governance Program of the World Resources Institute and co-author of the report. “Deliberate policy choices, including some environmental laws and decisions by environmental agencies, are a major cause of that exclusion.”
With an estimated 80 percent of the world’s forests on state-owned land, and 1.6 billion people dependent on forests for their livelihoods, government decisions about the use of forests are all-important to the effort to eradicate poverty.
“History shows us that the traditional model of ‘scientific forestry’ management focuses on maximizing profit for a few,” said Anne M. Larson of the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), the study’s other co-author. “Governments have the ability – and we would argue the obligation – to use these resources to combat poverty by first reexamining their forest policies.”
Forestry laws in many countries have changed very little since European colonists emphasized control of natural resources with no safeguards for the forest dwellers and few for the health of the environment. More participation in drafting forest policies by the people who live in the forested areas might help reduce poverty and the natural landscape, the study concluded.
Dr.Felician Kilahama ambaye alikuwa bosi wangu alipokuwa rais wa chama cha wataalam wa misitu Tanzania,akiwa nchini Malaysia wizarani pamoja na Dr.Batilda Buriani,Waziri katika ofisi ya makamu wa rais(mazingira).Dr.Kilahama kwa sasa ni mkurugenzi wa misitu na nyuki katika wizara ya maliasili na utalii.

Jamani ushabiki hauna rika.Ushabiki hauna status eti ooh washabiki wa soka ni wale watu wa kipato cha chini!!!nani kakwambia hivyo?!!!mtazame Mohamed Dewji hapo chini,tajiri mwenye mashamba na viwanda vya kumwaga hapa bongo na nje ya bongo,akisakata muziki wakati stars walipokuja bongo toka sudan.Huyu bwana anafaa kuwa waziri wa michezo.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Timu ya arsenal imeshindwa kuutumia uwanja wake wa nyumbani baada ya kutoka sare na Liverpool bao 1-1.Magoli yote yalifungwa kipindi cha kwanza yakiwekwa kimiani na Robi van Persie na Robbie Keane.Adebayor wa Arsenal alipewa kadi nyekundu na kuifanya arsenal kucheza pungufu kwa kipindi kirefu cha kipindi cha pili.Kwa matokeo hayo,arsenal imeendelea kushika nafasi ya tano kwa pointi 31 na Liverpool inaendelea kuongoza kwa pointi 39.
Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday morning's Champions League draw did the English clubs no favours with four intriguing Round of 16 ties.
Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson will again get to grips with Jose Mourinho in the form of Inter Milan while Arsenal have been drawn against Roma.
Chelsea will be reunited with Claudio Ranieri at Juventus and Rafael Benitez will return to Spain again as Liverpool drew beleaguered Real Madrid.
Tournament favourites Barcelona will take on Ligue 1 leaders Lyon while it is Villarreal v Panathinaikos, Sporting Lisbon v Bayern Munich and Atlético Madrid v FC Porto.
Mourinho will return to England for the first time since leaving Stamford Bridge at the start of last season and will renew his battle with the Manchester United manager.
While manager of Porto, Mourinho famously ran down the Old Trafford touchline to celebrate after a late goal sent the Red Devils tumbling out of the competition. He then spent two years tussling with Sir Alex for the Premier League title and in typical Jose style he wanted to draw United.
Manchester United's communications director Phil Townsend said the draw was a good one for the Old Trafford club and offered the chance to gain revenge on Mourinho, five years on from their loss against his Porto side at the same stage of the competition.
"It's a very exciting draw. We've only met Inter once before in the Champions League and we got through then, and maybe it's a good omen because it was in 1999 and we ended up winning the tournament,'' he said.
"We'll be trying to put one over on Jose this time and get the result the fans want and the club wants.''
Another former Chelsea manager, Ranieri, will look to show the Blues what they are missing when he crosses swords with Luiz Felipe Scolari. Juve, trailing four points behind Inter in the Serie A table, are in their first season back among Europe's elite after being demoted for match fixing two years ago.
Chelsea secretary David Barnard was pleased with the draw as the Blues look to go one better than last year's runners-up finish.
Barnard told Sky Sports News: "Any team at this stage of the competition is obviously quality but it could have been a lot worse, maybe Barcelona.
"It obviously brings back Claudio Ranieri to the Bridge and I am sure Claudio will get a good reception from the Chelsea supporters.
"In Claudio's last season we actually reached the semi-finals and the Champions League means a lot to him and Chelsea.''
And Benitez will also be on familiar ground by drawing Real, where he was once a player. Though right now a draw against Real does not look too tricky it could be a completely different prospect in two months time.
Arsenal will be perhaps happiest with their draw against mid-table Roma who have struggled to impress this season.
The ties take place on February 24/25 and March 10/11 with the final on May 27 in Rome.
Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson will again get to grips with Jose Mourinho in the form of Inter Milan while Arsenal have been drawn against Roma.
Chelsea will be reunited with Claudio Ranieri at Juventus and Rafael Benitez will return to Spain again as Liverpool drew beleaguered Real Madrid.
Tournament favourites Barcelona will take on Ligue 1 leaders Lyon while it is Villarreal v Panathinaikos, Sporting Lisbon v Bayern Munich and Atlético Madrid v FC Porto.
Mourinho will return to England for the first time since leaving Stamford Bridge at the start of last season and will renew his battle with the Manchester United manager.
While manager of Porto, Mourinho famously ran down the Old Trafford touchline to celebrate after a late goal sent the Red Devils tumbling out of the competition. He then spent two years tussling with Sir Alex for the Premier League title and in typical Jose style he wanted to draw United.
Manchester United's communications director Phil Townsend said the draw was a good one for the Old Trafford club and offered the chance to gain revenge on Mourinho, five years on from their loss against his Porto side at the same stage of the competition.
"It's a very exciting draw. We've only met Inter once before in the Champions League and we got through then, and maybe it's a good omen because it was in 1999 and we ended up winning the tournament,'' he said.
"We'll be trying to put one over on Jose this time and get the result the fans want and the club wants.''
Another former Chelsea manager, Ranieri, will look to show the Blues what they are missing when he crosses swords with Luiz Felipe Scolari. Juve, trailing four points behind Inter in the Serie A table, are in their first season back among Europe's elite after being demoted for match fixing two years ago.
Chelsea secretary David Barnard was pleased with the draw as the Blues look to go one better than last year's runners-up finish.
Barnard told Sky Sports News: "Any team at this stage of the competition is obviously quality but it could have been a lot worse, maybe Barcelona.
"It obviously brings back Claudio Ranieri to the Bridge and I am sure Claudio will get a good reception from the Chelsea supporters.
"In Claudio's last season we actually reached the semi-finals and the Champions League means a lot to him and Chelsea.''
And Benitez will also be on familiar ground by drawing Real, where he was once a player. Though right now a draw against Real does not look too tricky it could be a completely different prospect in two months time.
Arsenal will be perhaps happiest with their draw against mid-table Roma who have struggled to impress this season.
The ties take place on February 24/25 and March 10/11 with the final on May 27 in Rome.

Guy Ritchie ... ruled out sleepover
Madge, 50, hoped they could put aside their differences for one day, to have a family celebration at the country mansion they used to share.
They had agreed to put on a united front and make the day as normal as possible for children Lourdes, 12, Rocco, eight, and David, three.
But Guy, 40, has told his ex wife he doesn’t want her sleeping over at Ashcombe House in Wiltshire — and the plans are now up in the air.
A source close to the couple said: “Guy is desperate to see the children on Christmas Day and was OK with them all spending the day at Ashcombe.
“He was even willing to have Madonna there and try to be civilised for the sake of the children.
“But having her stay over was just too much.
“He couldn't bear the thought of her padding round the kitchen next morning like old times — there are too many sad memories.”
Guy got to keep Ashcombe — the couple’s country retreat during their eight-year marriage — as part of his £35million divorce settlement with the Queen of Pop.
Madonna does not like the house, but was willing to spend Christmas there for the children’s sake.
The source said: “It’s not as if she can stay in the B&B up the road. There's nowhere suitable nearby.
“They’re trying to come to some sort of solution but they just can't agree on anything — and it's getting very late to organise.
“If one of them doesn't back down, it could be a very unhappy Christmas.
“It seems they were a bit over optimistic to think they could call a truce."
Film director Guy has offered to fly to New York for the day instead.
But Madonna is refusing to change her plans.
The source said: "Guy’s said he’ll do anything she wants — fly to America if needs be — to spend the day with the kids, just as long as it doesn't involve him and Madonna spending the night under the same roof.
“But the plan was for the children to come to England and that’s what Madonna still wants. It’s a mess.”
The Sun told on Tuesday how Madonna — currently on her Sticky and Sweet world tour — is flying baseball ace ALEX RODRIGUEZ to London with her on December 23.
She planned to put up the 33-year-old New York Yankees star in a five-star hotel while she goes to Wiltshire for Christmas Day.
Madonna and A-Rod have spent increasing amounts of time together since he split from wife Cynthia this summer. They deny an affair.
Madonna and children ... the star’s hopes for a peaceful Christmas with Lourdes, Rocco and David are threatened
But A-Rod was in the front row of Madonna’s gig in Miami recently and she serenaded him with You Must Love Me.
Yesterday, the Sun’s source said Madonna’s children were dealing “exceptionally well” with her divorce from Guy last month.
Lourdes — nicknamed Lola — who is Madonna’s daughter by trainer Carlos Leon, has told pals: “If Mama and Guy aren’t getting on, that’s not my problem”.
The source said: “Lola is is being very mature and leaving them to it.
“She knows it’s not her fault and that there’s nothing she can do to sort out their problems.
“The boys have always been used to flying all over the world and their parents spending time apart, so it hasn’t been too traumatic for them.
“Madonna and Guy have done their best to protect the children — and they do seem fairly unaffected by it.
“But they must sort out Christmas if they want that to continue.”

The section of the Lake Victoria Zone that embraces Mwanza and Shinyanga regions ? informally known as Sukumaland --used to be notorious for the brutal killings of elderly women suspected to be witches. The wind has changed dramatically as unscrupulous traders are targeting albinos whose body parts are reported to be catalysts for boosting business and generating wealth.
Dozens of albinos have lost their lives, over the one year period of frenzied activities by treasure hunters, including fishermen and miners, who are told by witchdoctors that, respectively, catches from fishing grounds will increase and precious stones will be struck fast and in large quantities. The hunters start off as hunters of albinos as a preamble to being treasure hunters, because per the superstition experts, wealth can be created only after parts of the bodies of the ``prey`` have been obtained and processed. Scientists recently reported a sharp decline of the Nile perch population in Lake Victoria, casting the livelihood of about 300,000 fishermen into jeopardy. Witchdoctors are cashing in on the situation, by selling the albino boy parts idea, which defies scientific logic. ``I know one of my friends who has claimed increased catches after fixing albino`s hairs in his gillnets?This is a total lie, but some people believe it.`` James Mkama, a fisherman at Kayenze beach in Mwanza, told me recently. Some small-scale miners are caught up in the controversial web, by believing that ?to get more ounces of gold? the blood of albino has to be shed. Working with outdated technology and little capital, small scale miners have been facing a bleak future, forcing them to turn to the witchdoctors as their major consultants on how to improve their businesses. For the witchdoctors the solution is very simple and clear: ``bring the parts of an albino`s body and I will make you mine more gold``. ``It is very difficult to separate witchcraft from artisan mining?some miners believe that when you bury parts of an albino`s body at your site, the next step is to hit the gold reef,`` Hussein Mabari, a small scale miner from Mugusu in Geita town told me. This is what is fuelling the massive killings of albinos in Lake zone regions which host a huge amount of gold reserves and fish stocks. The genesis of evil Whether measured by the total number of people killed or the impact on the society, the killings of albinos fuelled mainly by the lust to get rich, is a fresh threat facing not only the rare creatures but the government as well. For years, the biggest enemy of albinos has been the sunrays, but this time around, there`s a new danger in the spate of the witchcraft killings that continue unabated in Tanzania, despite several government`s condemnations. In November last year, Rebecca Machungwa, a 10 year old, together with her mother Kado Manyibuluba (54) and her elder pregnant sister, Monica Charles (18), were brutally lynched by the unknown killers believed to be trading on albinos` organs. Some reports say that albino body organs, are in high demand by unscrupulous business people involved in mining and fishing activities in the Lake Victoria Zone, which host the world`s second largest fresh water lake. Rebecca, an albino, who had not been registered in school, fearing for her life, is among dozens of victims killed during the past ten months since the killings broke out in Bunda District. The young are often targeted. In early May this year a 17-year-old Vumilia Makoye was eating dinner with her family in their hut in Ilungu village Magu district when two men burst in, wielding long knives. Vumilia was like many other Africans with albinism. She had dropped out of school because of severe near-sightedness; a common problem for albinos, whose eyes develop abnormally and who often have to hold a book two inches from their faces to see it. She could not find a job because no one would hire her. She sold peanuts in the market, making 1,2000/- a week while the sun seared her delicate skin. When Vumilia\'s mother Jeme saw the armed men, she tried to lock the door unsuccessfully, but the killers overpowered her. ``They cut my daughter quickly,`` she says, making hacking motions with her hands. The killers sawed off Vumilia`s legs above the knee and ran away with them. The teenager died. Yusuph Malogo, who lives nearby, fears he may be next. He is also an albino and works alone on a rice farm some four kilometers away from the village. He now carries a whistle to blow for help in the event of sensing danger. ``I`m on the run,`` he says. He is 26, but his skin is thick and leathery from sun damage, making him look 20 years older. Indeed, the spate of killings targeting albinos has not even spared the totally innocent, as the latest victim of these grisly murders was a seven-month-old baby, who was mutilated on the orders of a witchdoctor in Shinyanga Region recently. Alarmed by the killings, early this year President Jakaya Kikwete vowed to tame the brutal killings, ordering the law enforcers to take stern actions to protect all albinos in the country. However, despite vowing to arrest the situation, albinos have continued to pay the price. The killings have even spread to neighboring Kenya , where an albino woman was hacked to death in May this year, her eyes, tongue and breasts chopped out. Incidences of witch doctors selling albino skin in the Democratic Republic of Congo have also been reported. Just last week, a Tanzanian trader was arrested by the police in DRC after he was found with a human skull believed to be of an albino. For decades albinos have faced racial discrimination, but today they are confronted by the deadly danger ever experienced in the history of this nation. Many people in Tanzania and across Africa believe albinos have magical powers. They stand out, often the lone white face in a black crowd, a result of a genetic condition that impairs normal skin pigmentation and affects about one in 3,000 people here ? about seven times as many as in Europe and the USA. Government officials say witch doctors are marketing albino skin, bones and hair as ingredients in potions that promise to make people rich; mostly fishermen and miners. As the threats have increased, the government has acted to protect its albino population a beleaguered group whose members are often shunned as outcasts and die of skin cancer before they reach 30. In most cases, the body parts of albinos are then removed from corpses and sold because people believe they are good luck charms which can make them rich. But there have been gruesome reports of body parts being hacked from albinos before they have died. This concept is an evil of its own, precisely because the attainment of materialistic possessions and positions of power in our society appears to override even the sanctity of life, as people go to great lengths to consult spirits, soothsayers, sorcerers and what have you to give them the secret key to instant wealth! Scores of albinos in Mwanza, Shinyanga and Mbeya regions have been brutally murdered in cold blood by unknown people who are inspired by witchcraft beliefs. The victims had parts of their bodies chopped. Woe unto you if you are an albino in this poor East Africa nation of 39 million people. The government says 26 have been murdered since March, 2007, but activists claim the figure could be as high as 60, in a country where more than 160,000 are said to suffer the genetic condition in which the person lacks pigmentation in the eyes, skin and hair. This practice is mushrooming within our society with approximately 15,000 witchdoctors (Mwanza Region alone) at a time when the rest of the world is busy accommodating itself into the new era of science and technology is a shocking testimony of our inherent brutality. The police say the albino killings are worse in rural areas, where people tend to be less educated and so superstitious that some fishermen even weave albino hairs into their nets because they believe they will catch more fish, also suspecting that this is the dastardly work of organised gangs. On the shores of Lake Victoria, albinos are touchy subject. When asked if they use albino hairs in their nets, a group of fishermen just stared at the sand. One traditional healer, a young man in a red shirt who looks more like a student than a witch doctor, says, ``Yeah, I`ve heard of it. But that`s not real witchcraft. It\'s the work of conmen.`` Following the way they handle the situation, it?s obvious that police are at a loss to explain precisely why there is a wave of albino killings now. One community policing head in Mwanza region says an influx of Nigerian films, which play up witchcraft, might have something to do with it, along with rising food prices, which are making people more desperate. ``These witch doctors have many strange beliefs,`` he says. ``There`s a rumour that if you sprinkle blood on the ground in a mine pit, you\'ll find gold... the problem is, the people who follow witchdoctors blindly.`` I and my colleague launched a thorough investigation on the killings posing as ``clients`` with mining and fishing interests seeking to get rich quick, visited a prominent witchdoctors at dusk and were told that albino body parts could be obtained without difficulty, for a price of Tsh. 2.5 million! Although witchcraft is an unpalatable reality that we all have to contend with in Tanzanian society, evidence suggests that witchcraft beliefs are causing the murder of albinos in a gruesome campaign to supposedly enable the adherents to come into lots of money. Many witchdoctors interviewed recently in Lake zone openly agreed that they use human body parts to make good luck charms that can make them rich and insisting that the albino parts are the best though they also use private parts of both male and female. Gone are the days when albinos` biggest enemy used to be the sun. Today, a deadlier threat looms and threatens to wipe all albinos off the face of the Tanzania`s part of the earth if effective measures are not taken to stamp out the scarring, evil practice.
Profesa Wangwe ashangaa serikali kununua mashangingi badala ya kompyuta

MHADHIRI mwandamizi wa Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam, Profesa Samuel Wangwe amehoji matumizi mabaya ya fedha za serikali ambayo yamesababisha nchi kubaki nyuma katika sekta ya mawasiliano na ugunduzi.
Akizungumza juzi katika semina ya maandalizi ya mapitio ya Mpango wa Taifa wa Sayansi, Teknolojia na Ugunduzi (NIS) iliyofanyika mjini Bagamoyo iliyoandaliwa na serikali kwa ushirikiano na Shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa la Sayansi (UNESCO), Prof Wangwe alisema inashangaza kuona idara nyingi na wakala kadhaa wa serikali zikiwa hazina vitendea kazi vya kisasa kama kompyuta, huku wizara hizo hizo zikiwa na magari mengi ya kifahari maarufu kama mashangingi.
“Inanishangaza sana ninapopita katika baadhi ya idara za serikali na kukuta hazina kompyuta wala intaneti wakati tupo katika zama za sayansi na teknolojia na halafu eti idara hizo hizo zina ‘mashangingi’ mengi hata wakati mwingine hayahitajiki,” alisema.
“Hivi tukiangalia kwa umakini ‘shangingi’ moja linanunua kompyuta ngapi, kwa makadirio ya urahisi, ‘shangingi’ moja linanunua kompyuta 60 mpaka 100, na hizi kompyuta zikitumika vizuri zinaweza kuongeza ufanisi katika serikali na kwingineko kote na kuwezesha kununua ‘mashangingi’ mengine mengi tu.”
Alisema serikali inaweza kupiga hatua katika nyanja za mawasiliano, teknolojia na ugunduzi iwapo kunakuwapo utashi wa kisiasa na mapinduzi ya fikra katika mipango mbalimbali hususani ya bajeti.
Wazo hilo liliungwa mkono na wadau mbalimbali waliohudhuria semina hiyo akiwemo mkurugenzi wa mawasiliano hifadhi za nyaraka wa tume ya sayansi na teknolojia- COSTEC, Theophil Mlaki ambaye aliigeukia jamii na kutaka kuwwepo mkakati wa makusudi wa kuiwezesha kubadilika kuwa ya kisayansi.
''Tanzania tuna ng’ombe milioni 30 lakini ng'ombe hawa wanachangia asilimia nne ya pato la taifa, lakini simu za mkononi ziliingia juzi tu hapa nchini na ambazo kampuni zake zina wateja karibu milioni 10 , zinaliingizia taifa zaidi ya asilimia 20 hivi kwanini tusijenge jamii ya kisayansi kuweza kuwatumia ng'ombe wetu tukafaidika nao, kuliko ilivyo sasa,'' alisema.
Naye mkurugenzi mkuu wa Taasisi ya Utafiti wa Magonjwa ya Binadamu (NIMRI), Dk. Andrew Kitua alitaka kuwepo uhusiano mzuri kati ya ugunduzi wa kisayansi unaofanyika na ongezeko la kipato la taifa au jamii husika ili kuwe na maendeleo ya uhakika.
Akifunga semina hiyo, Mkurugenzi wa Sayansi na Teknolojia katika wizara ya sayansi, mawasiliano na teknolojia, Profesa Evelyne Mbede alisema wizara yake iko katika hatua za mwisho za kukamilisha mapitio ya sekta hiyo ili kuweza kuanzisha mradi wa sayansi teknolojia na ugunduzi utakaotekelezwa kwa miaka miwili na nusu na utakaoligharimu taifa Sh13bilioni kwa ushirikiano na Shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa la Sayansi (UNESCO).
Akizungumza juzi katika semina ya maandalizi ya mapitio ya Mpango wa Taifa wa Sayansi, Teknolojia na Ugunduzi (NIS) iliyofanyika mjini Bagamoyo iliyoandaliwa na serikali kwa ushirikiano na Shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa la Sayansi (UNESCO), Prof Wangwe alisema inashangaza kuona idara nyingi na wakala kadhaa wa serikali zikiwa hazina vitendea kazi vya kisasa kama kompyuta, huku wizara hizo hizo zikiwa na magari mengi ya kifahari maarufu kama mashangingi.
“Inanishangaza sana ninapopita katika baadhi ya idara za serikali na kukuta hazina kompyuta wala intaneti wakati tupo katika zama za sayansi na teknolojia na halafu eti idara hizo hizo zina ‘mashangingi’ mengi hata wakati mwingine hayahitajiki,” alisema.
“Hivi tukiangalia kwa umakini ‘shangingi’ moja linanunua kompyuta ngapi, kwa makadirio ya urahisi, ‘shangingi’ moja linanunua kompyuta 60 mpaka 100, na hizi kompyuta zikitumika vizuri zinaweza kuongeza ufanisi katika serikali na kwingineko kote na kuwezesha kununua ‘mashangingi’ mengine mengi tu.”
Alisema serikali inaweza kupiga hatua katika nyanja za mawasiliano, teknolojia na ugunduzi iwapo kunakuwapo utashi wa kisiasa na mapinduzi ya fikra katika mipango mbalimbali hususani ya bajeti.
Wazo hilo liliungwa mkono na wadau mbalimbali waliohudhuria semina hiyo akiwemo mkurugenzi wa mawasiliano hifadhi za nyaraka wa tume ya sayansi na teknolojia- COSTEC, Theophil Mlaki ambaye aliigeukia jamii na kutaka kuwwepo mkakati wa makusudi wa kuiwezesha kubadilika kuwa ya kisayansi.
''Tanzania tuna ng’ombe milioni 30 lakini ng'ombe hawa wanachangia asilimia nne ya pato la taifa, lakini simu za mkononi ziliingia juzi tu hapa nchini na ambazo kampuni zake zina wateja karibu milioni 10 , zinaliingizia taifa zaidi ya asilimia 20 hivi kwanini tusijenge jamii ya kisayansi kuweza kuwatumia ng'ombe wetu tukafaidika nao, kuliko ilivyo sasa,'' alisema.
Naye mkurugenzi mkuu wa Taasisi ya Utafiti wa Magonjwa ya Binadamu (NIMRI), Dk. Andrew Kitua alitaka kuwepo uhusiano mzuri kati ya ugunduzi wa kisayansi unaofanyika na ongezeko la kipato la taifa au jamii husika ili kuwe na maendeleo ya uhakika.
Akifunga semina hiyo, Mkurugenzi wa Sayansi na Teknolojia katika wizara ya sayansi, mawasiliano na teknolojia, Profesa Evelyne Mbede alisema wizara yake iko katika hatua za mwisho za kukamilisha mapitio ya sekta hiyo ili kuweza kuanzisha mradi wa sayansi teknolojia na ugunduzi utakaotekelezwa kwa miaka miwili na nusu na utakaoligharimu taifa Sh13bilioni kwa ushirikiano na Shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa la Sayansi (UNESCO).
Aliyekuwa katibu mkuu wa hazina chadriel mgonja ameachiwa kwa dhamana na mahakama ya hakimu mkazi wa kisutu leo.Amewasilisha hati zinazofikia shs.billioni 6.1
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Wizara ya Maliasili na Utalii imeanzisha mpango wa ushikirishaji wa wananchi katika rasilimali za maliasili, malikale na utalii kwa lengo la kutoa elimu ya uhifadhi wa misitu na maliasili kwa jamii. Waziri wa Maliasili na Utalii.
Shamsa Mwangunga aliyasema hayo Dar es Salaam jana wakati akifungua semina ya siku mbili iliyoandaliwa kwa wahariri wa vyombo vya habari kwa lengo la kutoa msukumo wa umuhimu wa hifadhi za maliasili na kujadili mikakati iliyofikiwa na wizara hiyo katika utekelezaji wa sera mbalimbali.
Mwangunga alisema wizara imefanya jitihada nyingi ili kuleta maendeleo katika hifadhi za maliasili na malikale, ingawa elimu ya kutosha haijatolewa kwa wananchi juu ya umuhimu na faida ya kuhifadhi maliasili zilizopo nchini. Aliwapa changamoto wahariri hao kuangalia eneo la misitu na nyuki na mambo ya kale, kwa sababu ni moja ya idara ambazo rasilimali zake hazijaweza kutambulika ipasavyo kwa wananchi na kama watazifahamu vya kutosha, zitawasaidia katika kuinua kipato chao kupitia mali kama asali.
Aidha, alivishukuru vyombo vya habari kwa kazi nzuri vinayofanya kuandika taarifa za wizara hiyo, ziwe kwa mtazamo chanya au hasi, na kueleza kuwa taarifa hizo zimekuwa chachu ya kuleta mabadiliko katika wizara hiyo.
Mmoja wa watoa mada, Mkurugenzi wa Sera na Mipango katika Wizara hiyo, James Lugaganya alisema kwa upande wa rasilimali ya nyuki, Tanzania ina uwezo wa kuzalisha tani 138,000 za asali na tani 9,200 za nta kwa mwaka. Pia alisema ufugaji nyuki huchangia katika maendeleo ya jamii kuinua uchumi wao na kuhifadhi mazingira hususan misitu kwa lengo la kuondoa umasikini. Alisema katika kutekeleza sera ya ushirikishaji, Idara ya Misitu na Nyuki inalenga katika kuwashirikisha wananchi katika kuboresha misitu iliyopo kwenye maeneo yao, vilevile kuanzisha hifadhi mpya za misitu vijijini, kupanda miti kwa wingi zaidi ya matumizi pamoja na matumizi wa majiko banifu na nishati mbadala. Aidha, amewatia moyo wananchi, akisema wizara ina matarajio ya kuweka mipango mizuri ya uhifadhi pamoja na kuwawezesha wananchi wengine hususan kujiondolea umasikini kwa kutumia maliasili zilizopo nchini.
Shamsa Mwangunga aliyasema hayo Dar es Salaam jana wakati akifungua semina ya siku mbili iliyoandaliwa kwa wahariri wa vyombo vya habari kwa lengo la kutoa msukumo wa umuhimu wa hifadhi za maliasili na kujadili mikakati iliyofikiwa na wizara hiyo katika utekelezaji wa sera mbalimbali.
Mwangunga alisema wizara imefanya jitihada nyingi ili kuleta maendeleo katika hifadhi za maliasili na malikale, ingawa elimu ya kutosha haijatolewa kwa wananchi juu ya umuhimu na faida ya kuhifadhi maliasili zilizopo nchini. Aliwapa changamoto wahariri hao kuangalia eneo la misitu na nyuki na mambo ya kale, kwa sababu ni moja ya idara ambazo rasilimali zake hazijaweza kutambulika ipasavyo kwa wananchi na kama watazifahamu vya kutosha, zitawasaidia katika kuinua kipato chao kupitia mali kama asali.
Aidha, alivishukuru vyombo vya habari kwa kazi nzuri vinayofanya kuandika taarifa za wizara hiyo, ziwe kwa mtazamo chanya au hasi, na kueleza kuwa taarifa hizo zimekuwa chachu ya kuleta mabadiliko katika wizara hiyo.
Mmoja wa watoa mada, Mkurugenzi wa Sera na Mipango katika Wizara hiyo, James Lugaganya alisema kwa upande wa rasilimali ya nyuki, Tanzania ina uwezo wa kuzalisha tani 138,000 za asali na tani 9,200 za nta kwa mwaka. Pia alisema ufugaji nyuki huchangia katika maendeleo ya jamii kuinua uchumi wao na kuhifadhi mazingira hususan misitu kwa lengo la kuondoa umasikini. Alisema katika kutekeleza sera ya ushirikishaji, Idara ya Misitu na Nyuki inalenga katika kuwashirikisha wananchi katika kuboresha misitu iliyopo kwenye maeneo yao, vilevile kuanzisha hifadhi mpya za misitu vijijini, kupanda miti kwa wingi zaidi ya matumizi pamoja na matumizi wa majiko banifu na nishati mbadala. Aidha, amewatia moyo wananchi, akisema wizara ina matarajio ya kuweka mipango mizuri ya uhifadhi pamoja na kuwawezesha wananchi wengine hususan kujiondolea umasikini kwa kutumia maliasili zilizopo nchini.

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